Who We Are

Rafiki Attorneys & Company Advocates was commenced by young vibrant lawyers who have range of experiences from litigation in different areas of the law. We are therefore a firm that provides a wide range of legal services in areas where we have technical superiority and depth of experience.

The team leading the firm is creative and innovative in ensuring that the legal services provided is of high standard as stated hereunder:

  • We are innovative and creative in devising cost saving and effective legal solutions for our clients.
  • We are proactive; anticipating our client's needs and providing solutions which are timely, clear and pragmatic.
  • We embrace new information and communication technology to ensure the fullest optimization of our resources.
  • We also engage in the poor rural and urban people in access of justice from bodies administering justice.

Our Vision

Reliable, distinctive and cost-effective legal services to our clients delivered in a timely manner.

Our Mission

To use our professionalism and competence in providing reliable legal services to our clients.

Our Goal

We are committed to becoming the law firm of choice for those who seek extensive experience, high proficiency and incomparable devotion in providing legal services.

Our Objectives

  1. To offer professional services without any discrimination, to both private individuals, communities, corporate organizations and governmental bodies in accordance with the finest ethics of the law society.
  2. To promote and stoutly defend the Rule of Law.
  3. To enhance and promote the cause of justice nationwide through the development of case law, legislation and development.
  4. To encourage and promote legal knowledge and education in the practice of law nationwide.
  5. To assist in the protection, promotion and uplifting of the integrity of the legal profession.
  6. To disseminate and import these ideals to succeeding generations of the members of the legal profession nationwide.