Legal Aid Scheme

The firm recognizes engagement of the community members in its scheme of legal aid. The RACA Legal Aid Scheme has been initiated by the firm to provide free legal service to poor rural and urban people who cannot afford legal fees. This is done after carefully assessment of the condition of the person who is seeking legal service in terms of legal aid from our firm. The objective of this scheme is to enhance access to justice to all regardless of financial position.

However, in this project, the firm undertakes to adhere to the rules of professional conduct and etiquette billing its clients. The scheme is not a shield where the firm exercises undercutting as a professional misconduct in legal practice. Furthermore, under this scheme the firm works with other legal aid providers (CBOs & NGOs), local governments and individual person.

Before reaching the decision of having a legal aid scheme, the firm studied the process of access of justice to all and came to find out that there a good number of poor rural and urban people especially children and women whose rights are jeopardized because of financial difficulties and legal knowledge in handling their legal issues.